Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wonderful News!!!

I have not kept up the blog. Busy with kids, work, life in general. But that's no excuse. Because I had great news to share but didn't take the time to do it.

Well here goes......

WE HAVE A COURT DATE!!!! Yes Feb 7th we will stand in front of an Ethiopian Judge to tell him Yes we have seen M and want him!!! Seems like this date would never come. After the year or ups and downs and heartache we will get to meet our little man sometime on Feb 2nd. That day can not come soon enough for me.
We have our flights, guest house reservations and just need to get stuck with another needle for Yellow fever and visas and we are on our way. Time seems to be going at super sonic speed and slow motion all at once.
It's enough to make you go bonkers:) But now I've hit planner mode. Buying little soaps, shampoos, medicines to take and anything else I can think of for a trip around the world.
Good news is that this trip we will have time to ourselves to rest, shop and just soak in as much of Ethiopia as possible so the second trip we can completely focus on M.

I do have major pray requests now.
1. that we make it through the over 24 hr travel to get there.
2. That we stay healthy in the meantime and there.
3. and this is the huge one. That the birth family makes it to court with all proper identification, and passes so that we will know if M is ours before we leave Ethiopia.

Yes there is a chance we might not pass court, and the birth family could decide not to allow the adoption. But we have seen God provide so much for this little boy and we stand in faith. But just ask for prayer for the next leg of our journey to bring him home.

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