Thursday, February 25, 2010

Updates on adoption

Well, alot has happened since my last post. We have switched agencies, and accepted a sibling set of two. A boy about 11 yrs old and his sister who is 13 months old. What is wonderful is that these two kids are siblings to a couple we know at church they adopted 4 , 3 girls and 1 boy sibling set in 2009 and our two are the oldest and youngest of the siblings.
Isn't God wonderful. These 6 children will be able to stay in very close contact see each other and grow up together 7,000 miles away from where they started.
We are very excited and are praying the children are released to be adopted soon. We have a few more documents for the Dossier but should be sending that on in just a few weeks.
We are trying to adjust to the thought of going from a family of 4 to a family of 6.

Now all we have to do is pray for the balance of the funds to come in and well be all set. God has provided 75% of the funds to us before we have even started fundraising. Wow would have never thought we could pull together that kind of money. God does provide.

Caitlyn and Lawson are getting excited. Caitlyn keeps telling me what she is going to do for her little sister and Lawson just wants a brother so bad. They put them in their prayers in the morning and at night. It makes my heart swell that my children have accepted two kids so easily and talk about them all the time.

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